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Why  Migrate SAP Workloads to AWS Cloud with Redington
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In today’s world, Cloud is the biggest buzzword. No one could have predicted that one day Cloud Infrastructure would be so widely used across so many dimensions like Industry, Technology, Regions, and Software. SAP has been no different and today the SAP applications are supported on various models of Cloud infrastructure.

Infrastructure has always been an ever-demanding challenge to all in business in terms of owning and managing Data Centre and its infrastructure facility, reliable and zero outage power supply, cooling and air-conditioning system, reliable and zero outage network connectivity, hardware procurement, hardware management, hardware maintenance, reliable and fault tolerant zero-outage hardware, flexible-scalable-on demand hardware, and the list is endless. This has been one risk for all the organizations which everyone always wanted to mitigate, and this led to Organizations look out for various options to host their Infrastructure especially for critical workloads like SAP. An option like Infrastructure as a Server from AWS Cloud would be ideal for organizations of any Size, Industry and Vertical.

Businesses are looking for more flexible and scalable processes to support their business growth. Migrating SAP workloads to AWS Cloud will play a key role in enabling this.

Migrating SAP Workloads to AWS cloud offers several benefits over on-premises infrastructure. These include increased scalability, flexibility, Security, Cost Savings and of course the ability to innovate and Augment their SAP Business Processes by integrating with SAP BTP and over 300+ AWS Cloud Native Services.

Before customers can successfully migrate SAP workloads to the cloud, they will probably have to get the buy-in from stakeholders, prepare and present a Business Case to the Management to showcase them the benefits of this digital transformation journey for their SAP workloads to AWS Cloud.


Cloud Migration for SAP Workload is a very complex project and generally depending on the complexity of the landscape can be a long duration project. It is very important to onboard the experts and stakeholders early in the strategy and planning stage when the key decisions on Architecture, Availability and Operations are made. Cloud Migration for SAP Workload is a transformation journey creating a robust architecture for future-ready, agile, flexible, scalable, and on-demand SAP environment.

As a leading regional player, Redington understands that making the shift to the cloud with critical workloads like SAP can be challenging. Redington boasts a team of certified experts who can help organizations plan and execute their migration in a way that minimizes disruption and maximizes the benefits of moving to the cloud.

Customers must build a business case to prove the compelling benefits that the cloud can offer their operations, starting with the ‘why’.

Here are some tips for migrating your SAP workloads to AWS Cloud with Redington


Before commencement of any SAP Cloud migration project, it is very important to gather all the technical details of the landscape to ensure every aspect of technical architecture is captured which would be important to be realized in the migrated system landscape. This will help you determine which resources need to be migrated and how they should be configured in AWS.

It is important to understand which SAP Products, Operating System and Database and their Combinations are Supported on AWS. Also, what pre-requisites to fulfil when you want to run your SAP Workloads on AWS.

Below SAPNOTES are the starting points and provides you these details along with the List of SAP Certified EC2 Instances on AWS.

1656099 - SAP Applications on AWS: Supported DB/OS and AWS EC2 products

1656250 - SAP on AWS: Support prerequisites

AWS offers the widest range of SAP Certified EC2 instances which supports a lot of SAP Products.

Also, we can get more information on SAP on AWS Documentation

Redington will assess and re-evaluate SAP workload sizing for optimal deployment on AWS. We also provide and help with right-sizing SAP workloads to optimize your cloud spend. It's necessary to examine the landscape thoroughly to determine what needs to be migrated, and when.

Our experts can help you with this assessment and provide guidance on the best way to migrate and Operate your SAP workloads on AWS Cloud.

With a clear assessment of these components, you'll be able to create an orderly plan detailing how you'll migrate everything from start to finish; making sure that all stakeholders are updated on the process throughout.

Prepare and Plan:

Preparing and Planning is very Important for SAP Workloads Migration to AWS Cloud.

Factors like selection of Region, Compute Pricing Options and the Architecture Design have Direct implications on the Cloud Cost.

Other factors like Network Architecture, Printer Management Strategy, Backup and Data Retention Policy, Archiving Strategy, Transport Management Strategy and Patch Management should be considered and discussed with the Business while designing SAP Workloads on AWS Cloud.

Integration of SAP Systems with third party Applications and the communication protocol/methods must also be discussed in the Planning Phase.

It is also important to know about the risks which are involved in any SAP Cloud Migration project and plan and prepare for how those risks can be mitigated.

Customer Challenges

Bayt Alebaa’s current on prem infrastructure was outdated due to tech-refresh as hardware was going out support
Bayt Alebaa required a solution that would provide the flexibility, the company needed to support its ongoing growth and maximize ROI
Redington proposed a multi AZ deployment for SAP workload. The customer decided to deploy workload in single AZ with backup due to cost constrain

Right Sizing SAP Workloads on AWS: 

When migrating SAP Workloads to AWS, leverage the tools provided by SAP like SAP Hana sizing report, SAP Early watch report, SAP Quick Sizer report to Right Size the SAP Workloads on AWS Cloud.

This avoids overprovisioning of Compute or Storage and helps in Cost Optimization without compromising on the Performance of SAP Applications.

Leveraging the Tools provided by AWS for SAP Workloads like AWS Launch Wizard for SAP, AWS Application Insights for SAP NetWeaver and SAP Hana, AWS Data Provider for SAP, AWS Backint Agent for SAP Hana, AWS CloudWatch to name a few, can be very useful for SAP Workloads is Setting up and operating efficiently on AWS.

Engage a partner with knowledge: -

It's common to find businesses without experts in cloud and SAP on their staff. Finding a partner with specialization in these technologies is therefore essential for help with SAP architecture, executing the migration and providing independent consulting. Redington offers an added value as a distributor, offering expertise in migrating to the cloud, enabling customers to explore new growth opportunities.


Risk Scoring For chronic

Predicting Patient

Healthcare Cost


Hospital operations -
Improving efficiency through the power of data

Data Management -
Centralized data repository
with single source of truth


Freight Shipment Cost Optimization

Improving Predictive

Compliance Video


Supply Chain Analytics

Standard Control Charts

- Quality Assessment


Churn Modeling

IT Fraud Analytics / Anti
Money laundering

Customer Segmentation &


Lifetime Value

Risk & Compliance


Redington can help you plan and execute your Entire SAP Migration Project. We will work with you to ensure that your data is securely migrated, and your SAP workloads are properly configured on AWS. Redington will make sure that the migrated SAP Environment is as per SAP's and AWS's Best Practices. We will also provide guidance on how to optimize your architecture for performance and cost-efficiency.


After your migration is complete, our team can provide ongoing support and assistance as needed. We can help you troubleshoot issues, optimize performance, and ensure that your SAP workload continues to run smoothly in AWS.



 Ahmed Mohammed

Ahmed Mohammed is a SAP Cloud Solutions Architect with over 15 years of Experience in SAP Applications and Technology. He has extensive experience in SAP Pre Sales, Project Management and Architecting SAP Solutions on premises and on Hyperscalers like AWS.
He is a Cloud Evangelist and helping Partners and Customers in their Digital Transformation Journey to Cloud.

Published on 21st September  2023

Contact US


Would you like to know more about the design, migration, and operation of your SAP® landscape in the AWS public cloud?

Our experts will be happy to answer any questions regarding your project.

Contact us at email: 

 OUR ADDRESS: Redington Value. H hotel,
Business Tower - 1, Sheikh Zayed Road,Dubai , UAE
OUR PHONE: +971 4 516 1500